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There are nine videos in the library. Seven out of nine are footage captured by live cameras.
They are compact summary of various scenes and events captured by the CCTV cameras installed over the roads, port facilities, and rivers for monitoring as well as the footage shot by staff.
The library includes a VTR film “the Road of Life” made by the Kamaishi City Office in Iwate Prefecture.

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Rare aerial footage. The situation immediately after the earthquake and approaching tsunami.
Rare footage shot by the MLIT emergency rescue helicopter “Michinoku”, which had taken off from Sendai Airport 37 minutes after the occurrence of the earthquake, shows the situation of the affected areas from the moment when tsunami engulfed the coast up to the moment before the hydrogen explosion of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Number of views 29377
A wall-like tsunami is approaching (Port of Kuji)
This footage shows the approaching tsunami in the Port of Kuji, Iwate Prefecture.
Number of views 18925
Footage of the tsunami striking Kamaishi shot from a roof.
This footage, shot by a staff of the Kamaishi Port Office, who evacuated to the roof of the office building, shows the tsunami sweeping away houses and buildings in the neighborhood of the office building.
Number of views 41637
A wall-like tsunami is approaching (Noda)
The footage shows the village of Noda in Iwate Prefecture when it was struck by the tsunami. The camera captures the tsunami going upstream and drawing back. The camera also captures the second wave.
[Copyright: Village of Noda]
Number of views 76777
Footage of tsunami captured by the fixed-point cameras on the national highway
This is a collection of footage filmed by the cameras installed over the national highway at three locations along the Iwate coastal area. The cameras clearly capture the tsunami flowing into the city.
Number of views 62930
Voices of Municipality Leaders
The road clearance works open up a space on the road covered with full of debris just wide enough for at least one emergency vehicle to get through. This is a collection of the interviews of the municipality leaders. They talked about how the MLIT contributed to the affected municipalities, by dispatching the MLIT staff as liaisons.
Number of views 20628
Quietly approaching tsunami
The tsunami footage shot by a staff from a roof of the Tohoku Engineering Office in Tagajo. The office building space was provided as a shelter for the evacuees, who were also provided with food, etc.
Number of views 13802
The “Miracle of Sanriku” and the “Road of Life”- What we have learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake -
This film contains a collection of footage that shows the evacuation process of elementary and junior high school students, called the “Miracle of Kamaishi”; the film traces what children thought and how they evacuated. The film unveils how preparedness in both software and hardware brought about the miracle.
[Copyright: City of Kamaishi]
Number of views 2246
Tsunami going upstream
A collection of footage captured by the river monitoring camera shows the approaching tsunami. The camera also captures the tsunami going upstream.
Number of views 10882
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